Pink Eye – conjunctivitis
Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the thin membrane that lines the inside of the eyelid and part of the eye’s surface.
Conjunctivitis is marked by redness, discharge that is clear or colored, and sometimes itching. Children are more likely to get it, but adults can also get it.
Conjunctivitis can be caused by many different things, such as: Viruses (the same virus that causes the common cold) Bacteria Allergies Irritants Something in the eye Because viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are so contagious, they need extra care. So, this fact sheet mostly talks about these two kinds of conjunctivitis.
Both types of conjunctivitis cause redness and itching, but the way the discharge looks can help you figure out which one you have.
With viral conjunctivitis, the discharge is thick and clear, while with bacterial conjunctivitis, it is thin and smelly.
Also, people with bacterial conjunctivitis often feel like their eyes are stuck shut when they wake up in the morning. Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria is less common than conjunctivitis caused by viruses.
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the membranes that cover the eyes.
Mister pharmacist may tell you to use antibiotic eye drops or ointment to treat bacterial conjunctivitis (e.g., Polysporin®). If it does not get better in 48 hours, you should see a doctor or eye doctor.
Children who are being treated for bacterial conjunctivitis should stay home for the first 24 hours to keep the infection from spreading.
There is no way to get rid of viral conjunctivitis. Most of the time, it goes away in two to four weeks.
But the symptoms may get worse for three to five days before getting better. Treatments with antibiotics do not work for this kind of infection.
You might feel better if you use lubricant drops or cold compresses. Unless there is an outbreak, most children with viral conjunctivitis do not need to stay home. Here are some things you can do to avoid getting conjunctivitis again or to stop it from spreading as much: Use soap to wash your hands often.
Do not touch the infected eye with your hands. Do not share towels, sheets, pillows, or tissues. Throw away any eye makeup that might have become dirty.
Do not wear contact lenses for the first 24 hours after treatment or until the eye is no longer red. If your contact lenses are disposable, throw them away with the case or clean them.
When should I go to a doctor or nurse? If you have pain in your eye (s). If you can not see very well. If you have trouble keeping your eyes open or if you start to have trouble with light. If you have bad headaches that make you feel sick. If you have recently hurt your eye. If you wear contacts.